ASMS Legacy Support & Upgrades

Client Business Overview:

A leader and innovator in the telecommunication industry, known for its spectrum equipment and spectrum management solutions

Business Challenges:

The business had progressed and the processes had been improved over time, but the old legacy system functionality was not reflecting and unstable, which results in operational loss and incapable to serve timely to these 20+ countries. So the client is looking for a partner needed to stabilize its existing legacy spectrum management desktop application deployed across 20+ countries

Solution offered:
  • Deployed skilled resources with good exposure to legacy technologies with the good domain expertise to make development and deliverables faster
  • Carried out workshops for understanding the existing applications and re-engineering them to a stable product by adding a lot of spectrum management features
  • Effective maintaining the system and keep them up-to-date by introducing our disciplined support processes
Business Value Add:
  • Delivered all the needed support to the client for the seamless delivery of their services
  • More stable desktop application to make operations associated with its function flawlessly.
  • Built a relationship with the client as a trusted outsourcing partner for building and delivering on-time complex scalable solutions.
  • This helped the client to focus on their main hardware-based innovative solutions.